The year 2012 comes with the roborn of a legendary game....Joymax relaunches the original game under the name of Silkroad-R.What is the difference betwen the old and the new one?
Cabal is a 3D MMORPG based on quest's and exploring the regions and the maps. You start off in one of the three towns and explore the world of Cabal. There are 6 classes: Warrior, Force Shielder, Blader, Force Archer, Wizard,Force Blader.
allso knowned as 2Moons is a free to play MMORPG that is based on pvp,
you can choose between 6 types of caracters and each one has varied
If you like games that are high quality and high playerbase this is a game for you.
4Story is a 3D MMORPG that you could say it's a copy of WOW, in this game you have three factionsDefugel, Craxion, Broa, three races Werebeast,Fairy, Human, and 6 classes Assassin, Archer, Summoner, Priest, Warrior,
Lineage 2 is a 3D mmorpg and i consider it one of the best games ever, and i don't say it just because i palyed it along time ago, i say it because the graphichs, skills, classes and all others can be described in one word FANTASTIC. Lineage 2 also called L2 has 3 versions and they are Hellbound, Garcia and Interlude, and they all are free to play. In this game you have a varied carcaters, and they all can choose between a diverse classes, and i can say that there are allot of classes and that's what make's L2 so fun. Humans: and they can be warrior and mage. Elf: warrior or mage Dark Elf: warrior or dark elf Dwarf: warrior Orc: warrior or mage Kamael: warrior
Metin2 is a 3D mmorpg that is based on quest and hard grinding in order to reach max level that is 99, metin2 us is a game for all players around the world that want to use combo skill and attack more groups of mobs, in this game you have 3 kingdoms Red, Blue and Yellow and they all want to gain more power in order to rule the other kingdoms. You have 4 type of classes and they all have 2 different types of jobs: Sura: Mirage and Black Magick Warrior: Arhan and Partisan Mage: Lightning and Dragon Force Assassin: Assassin(2 daggers) and Archer They are different from each other caracter, depends on how you create you carcater, skills and you're status points.
Twelve Sky 2 is a free to play 3D MMORPG, and the action is somewhere in ancient China.The game is published by aeriagames that also own Shaiya, Last Chaos, Wolf Team etc. This game is based on quests and pvp, there are 3 factions Guanyin, Fujin, Jinong and there is another on Nangin that you can become one only if you complete a certain amount of tasks.
Silkroad Online i s a 3D Fantasy MMORPG with a unique and
innovative PvP/Profession System. While newcomers to the genre will find
the lacking tutorial and limited gameplay features difficult to grasp,
veterans may find Silkroad Online to be a very rewarding experience with
its unique skill advancement and class system.(